The focus of Chemical Engineering - A new Perspective is on "information entropy". The main themes covered are mixing, separation, turbulent structure, particle size distribution and degree of uncertainty. The book recognizes that the information entropy may not be the only viewpoint, and how the degree of information entropy is useful for the other phenomena.
Scale-up in Chemical Engineering
A chemical engineer is generally concerned with the industrial implementation of processes in which chemical or microbiological conversion of material takes place in conjunction with the transfer of mass, heat, and momentum. The characteristics of these processes depend on their scale. and Distributed Chemical Engineering
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 27: Nanostructured Materials
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 36: Photocatalytic Technologies
This volume of Advances in Chemical Engineering is almost completely dedicated to a conference on "Mathematics in Chemical Kinetics and Engineering" (MaCKiE-2007), which was held in Houston in February 2007, bringing together about 40 mathematicians, chemists, and chemical engineers from 10 countries to discuss the application and development of mathematical tools in their respective fields.
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 35
Engineering Aspects of Self-Organising Materials
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 3
Computational Fluid Dynamics contributions include dealing with the simulation of gas-liquid bubble columns and gas-liquid-solid fluidized beds. Addressing the different levels of modeling that are required in order to cover the full spectrum of length scales that are important for industrial applications. Stirred turbulent vessels and the chemical reactions.
Chemical Engineering Dynamics
Modelling with PC Simulation, 2nd Edition
Chemical Engineering Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling and Computer Simulation
The modelling of dynamic chemical engineering processes is presented in a highly understandable way using the unique combination of simplified fundamental theory and direct hands-on computer simulation. The mathematics is kept to a minimum, and yet the nearly 100 examples supplied on a CD-ROM illustrate almost every aspect of chemical engineering science. Each example is described in detail, including the model equations. They are written in the modern user-friendly simulation language Berkeley Madonna, which can be run on both Windows PC and Power-Macintosh computers.
Reference Book on Chemical Engineering, Volume 1
A Chemical Engineer needs to know not only the inside changes in a Production Process viz. Chemical, Physical, Thermochemical, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, but also he has to know the basics of other engineering disciplines as well as current developments. During my long service period in Production, Process Design and Projects, I found most of these information are available at different sources and is not always possible to acquire this information always.
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