Power Electronics And Motor Drives: Advances and Trends
Power electronics is an area of extremely important and rapidly changing technology. Technological advancements in the area contribute to performance improvement and cost reduction, with applications proliferating in industrial, commercial, residential, military and aerospace environments.
DSP-Based Electromechanical Motion Control
Control provides a general application guide for students and engineers who want to implement DSP-based motion control systems in products and industrial systems. This overview explains the benefits of integrating DSP into motion control, detailing the degree of freedom provided by a a DSP for the development of constructive, computationally extensive algorithms. The authors explain how the use of these advanced algorithms can drastically increase the performance and efficiency of an electromechanical system. Chapters are supported by laboratory exercises, enabling you to immediately apply the information to practical scenarios.
Managing Power Electronics: VLSI and DSP-Driven Computer Systems
The author thoroughly covers all aspects of the field, including semiconductor manufacturing processes, packages, circuits, functions, and systems. A unique and significant contribution to the field, the publication adopts a "system focus" by first presenting the appliance and then delving into the power management architecture and topologies that best serve each appliance.
Electronics, Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Microwaves, Electromagnetics, and Radar
Into the fields of electronics, integrated circuits, power electronics, optoelectronics, electromagnetics, light waves, and radar, supplying all of the basic information required for a deep understanding of each area. It also devotes a section to electrical effects and devices and explores the emerging fields of microlithography and power electronics. Articles include defining terms, references, and sources of further information.
First Course on Power Electronics and Drives
Actual Hardware Lab measured waveforms make it real (next best to having lab setups in your school)
Direct Write Technologies for Rapid Prototyping Applications
In Sensors, Electronics and Integrated Power Sources
The book also provides an overview of the state-of-the-art technology involved in this field. Basic academic researchers and industrial development engineers who pattern thin film materials will want to have this text on their shelves as a resource for specific applications. Others in this or related fields will want the book to read the introductory material summarizing isuses common to all approaches, in order to compare and contrast different techniques. Everyday applications include electronic components and sensors, especially chemical and biosensors.
Power Electronics for Modern Wind Turbines
Ultra Low-Power Electronics and Design
Electronic systems today, ranging from mobile telecom to portable and desktop computing systems, especially when moving to nanometer technologies. Ultra Low-Power Electronics and Design offers to the reader the unique opportunity of accessing in an easy and integrated fashion a mix of tutorial material and advanced research results, contributed by leading scientists from academia and industry, covering the most hot and up-to-date issues in the field of the design of ultra low-power devices, systems and applications.
Fuel Cell Electronics Packaging
This power requirement is currently met almost exclusively by battery power. A fuel cell is like a battery converting chemical energy directly to electricity. The convergence of fuel cell technology and microelectronics is enabling the new design and manufacturing of fuel cells.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics
The book moves logically from theory to application-specific material, covering in one source what readers are currently finding in two or more texts. Bob Erickson creates the context in Parts 1 and 2 of his book covering converter circuits and electronics, semiconductor devices, analytical assessment techniques, converter topologies, and AC-modeling of DC converters. Later chapters cover theory, design, and application techniques for control systems, magnetics, converters, inverters, and filters.
Electronics for Beginners and Intermediate Electronics 2001
Electron Beams and Microwave Vacuum Electronics
The author guides readers from the roots of classical vacuum electronics to the most recent achievements in the field. Special attention is devoted to the physics and theory of relativistic beams and microwave devices, as well as the theory and applications of specific devices.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics (Second Edition)
Is an up-to-date and authoritative text and reference book on power electronics. This new edition retains the original objective and philosophy of focusing on the fundamental principles, models, and technical requirements needed for designing practical power electronic systems while adding a wealth of new material.
Improved features of this new edition include.
Getting Started in Electronics
128 pages! Author Forrest Mims teaches you the basics, takes you on a tour of analog and digital components, explains how they work, and shows you how they are combines for various applications. Includes circuit assembly tips and 100 electronic circuits and projects you can build and test.
An Analog Electronics Companion
Basic Circuit Design for Engineers and Scientists
Engineers and scientists frequently have to get involved in electronic circuit design even though it may not be their specialty. Writing for the inexperienced designer, Hamilton begins by reviewing the basic mathematics and physics needed to understand circuit design. He then goes on to discuss individual components (resistors, capacitors etc.) and commonly encountered circuit elements such as differentiators, oscillators, filters and couplers.
Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters
Projects for the Electronics Experimenter, perfect for the electronics hobbyist and radio experimenter. Now that the FCC has changed its regulations about "pirate" transmissions, more and more people are setting up radio and video stations for broadcast from their homes. Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters addresses applications for hobbyist broadcasting of AM, SSB, TV, FM Stereo and NBFM VHF-UHF signals with equipment the reader can build himself for thousands of dollars less than similar equipment sold on the retail market.
Microelectronics: Systems and Devices
An excellent textbook, providing careful and thorough explanation of the concepts and techniques of electric circuits, highly recommended.
Laser Electronics (3rd Edition)
This is a practical approach to introductory laser electronics that emphasizes real-world applications and problem-solving skills over theory, providing a clear understanding of both optical and microwave frequencies.
Military and Aerospace Electronics, July 2008
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